LOLER & Weight Test Reminders
To date, our customers have always had a general idea on when their vehicle & machinery requires a service LOLER, or Weight Test. Whether you’re on a 17 week, or 6 month rolling schedule, we’ve kept in touch to ensure the vehicle is always operational at it’s best performance. However rarely it may be, sometimes a vehicle or machine will be late for it’s scheduled date for servicing, which can be adverse for both Health & Safety, and General Operation.
Over the past months, we’ve been developing our very own in-house system which will begin logging all service LOLER & Weight Tests to enhance the experience for both our customers, and ourselves.

For our Customers
Scheduled reminders every month for upcoming vehicle services one month before their due date.
Optionally, our customers can choose these reminders to be Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly.
Instant Certifications for Servicing, LOLER & Weight Tests.
Panel Access
Previous Services, and their associated paperwork such as jobsheets & certificates are available for download.
Current Vehicles, and their servicing dates required for both LOLER & Weight Tests.
Email Notifications for new available documents regarding customer vehicles.
As our new system is brought into our general operation tasks, we will be offering our customers a preemptive access to this service via a beta program, if you would like to get involved in the system at an early stage, please feel free to contact us.
If you would like further information regarding B Conway Group or our LOLER & Weight Test Services, please contact us.